Natys Blog!

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Hey guys!! Today we’re diving into a detailed update! #1: this week started off pretty rocky… we are three weeks in and all still learning about communication with each other which may have led to some toes getting stepped on, but that’s okay because we learned! On Wednesday we attempted to hike Mount Yonah but that unfortunately got cancelled halfway up the mountain due to dangerous weather. The team still had a blast and definitely bonded over wet soggy clothes. Later that night Ava and I’s tent flooded…(we share a tent btw #roomies) yeah so that was super fun we had to figure it out in the pelting rain but nevertheless we did it and made it through #independentwomen. On Saturday a few of us went on a nature hike and picked flowers and then the girls had a fun fancy dinner that our beauty for ashes team made! Sunday was very restful and I cleaned our tents so that we could be prepared for Monday morning travel day!! We are now on our way to Macon, Mississippi, where we will be for a week doing domestic mission involving some sort of manual labor 🧰🔨. That’s all I got folks! I hope everyone has a blessed day!


6 responses to “WEEK TRES”

  1. Grandpa and I just LOVED your post! So newsy!! And the pics are awesome. I just looked up Macon MS. ooooeeee Can’t wait to hear about that!

    The fall here is beautiful although tomorrow is supposed to be 92. What?! Today was 72. HA.

    I’ll write more soon. Lost track of time and I have to make dinner. LOVE YOU!!!!

  2. Hi Natalia!
    Camping in rain is one thing, but tent flooding sounds like a real bonding experience! Kudos for handling it like a champ! #independentwomen indeed!
    We are praying for you in Idaho, and so proud of you🥰
    Love from Naomi, Isaac, and E White