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Leaving Greece???
I’m sad to say that my time in the Balks has come to an end, but oh what a joy it is to have something so hard to say goodbye to. I came to this country with low expectation and I feel like it definitely exceeded what I thought I could gain. The people we met is what really made Greece such a joy!! We became apart of a church family, refugee help center and overall apart of this community. We were not only were blessed with these three connections but Jay and I had the privilege of joining a run club!! They ran twice a week with a group of 100 young adults. This club was started by our friend Philip who is a local from Thessaloniki, he had a dream to help motivate people his age to get active! Through this amazing opportunity doors were opened to make new friends and listen to different perspectives! Coming towards the end of Greece (around 3 weeks ago) I could feel myself starting to shut down whether it may be the emotional burden of being gone so long or me just starting to lose my motivation I felt it was starting to take a big toll on me. Then it hit me. It’s become exhausting having to open my heart and get to know people on a personal level just to say goodbye 2 months later but the truth is… ITS SUCH A PRIVILEGE!! How amazing is it that I get to experience so many personalities, gain more wisdom and grow my love for the Lord? My favorite thing about Adonis and Christos is that they speak in what seams like puzzles! You gotta really be hanging onto every word to get the message haha! But this aspect is also awesome because it has made me think twice about what I believe or what I think is truth! They have helped grow my desire to strive for living a Christlike life and truly reflecting Jesus in all the ways I act and speak. Greece is a place I would highly consider returning to, whether it be in missions or studying, I know I would have a family that would welcome me. About a month ago I put a countdown visible on my phone for “leaving Greece”, “seeing my parents” and “getting off the race” this isn’t because I want to look towards the end but to remind myself that what I have right now is temporary. This it helps me enjoy it and soak it in. So in my brain I’ve been walking down the streets a little like this, “this is my last time walking this road, look at it differently” or “I’ll never see this person again, try to make a lasting impression” honestly this has just helped find so much more beauty in life because in truth, it’s the small moments that last the furthest and in these moments it’s where I find so much joy.
But truly, I really am looking forward to seeing my parents… we have less than two weeks!! I’m hopeful for Guatemala and excited to finish strong!!

We went to Phillipi!

Church we visited in Phillipi!

Our ministry hosts

Our friend Mario

Our friends the Morgan’s who are long term missionaries here in Thessaloniki


3 responses to “Hold on a Little Longer”

  1. Love hearing all about your experiences! Looks like you have found so many very special people 💓💓💓💓💓
    Love you Naty!

  2. Amazing Natalia. Praying you continue to grow on faith and friendships. Thanks for sharing your heart and how cool to be in Phillipi!!!! Blessings!!!!!

  3. This post made me cry! I can almost feel what you’re describing.. leaving that place and the people who have been so good to you it has to be very hard😢 but… I AM TOO, SOOO EXCITED TO SEE YOU IN TWO WEEKS!!😍

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